Fave fantasy eBook reduced to $2.99

Exciting news! The Blood She Betrayed eBook is now half-price, only $2.99, on Amazon, Kobo and Clan Destine Press – and only $4.74 on Lulu.

Bestseller listMy Publisher Clan Destine Press has reduced its price – for a short time only – to celebrate The Blood She Betrayed’s shortlisting in the Australian Romance Readers Awards (Favourite Sci Fi, Fantasy or Futuristic Romance category). For a full listing of all shortlisted entries, visit the ARRA website here. I felt both humbled and awed to hear that I had been shortliste2013 ARRA finalistd in the top 10 spec fic books in Australia – the other entrants in all these categories are incredibly talented authors who crafted amazing tales. It’s taken me a while to recover from the shock! Congratulations to all entrants and a huge thanks to the Australian Romance Readers Association and their dedicated team who work so hard every year to organise and host the awards – as well as the many other features of ARRA membership.

So… if you haven’t downloaded your copy of The Blood She Betrayed, now is the time to do so because the $2.99 download is only available for a limited time. Find out what everyone else has been talking about – and why. I’m looking forward to hearing from you once you’ve read my book. Don’t be the last one to read it!