Enchanted Orbs come in People Packages

What inspires you as a writer and a person?

Today I’m chatting at the Dark Side DownUnder website’s Enchanted Orb blog, which asks authors what has inspired them in their lives and writing careers. For this issue of the Orb, I spun a true story (my own!) of the importance of finding Muses, Soulmates and Buddies to help give wind to your creative winds. If skeptics start to hover, just flush them away!

Rowena Cory Daniells and Cheryse Durrant at a writers conference at the Gold Coast.As writers, it is easy to doubt ourselves. If we continue to spend time with ‘unbelievers’, we may never be able to release those magical stories that burn inside of us. We need Muses and Believers. When I attended WorldCon in Melbourne in 2010, I was lucky to have coffee with Rowena Cory Daniells, a stalwart of Australia’s writing and speculative fiction industry. If you are attending this year’s WriteFest at Bundaberg, Rowena will be there as one of the presenters so make sure you meet her. She is also doing a fabulous presentation on pitching to publishers.

Another reminder: It’s only a week until the closing date for MasterClass and editor/writer interviews for this year’s WriteFest at Bundaberg, Australia. If you’ve completed a full manuscript and want to know where to go or what to do next, these submissions are a great opportunity to step forward in your writing career. Full details are available at www.bundywriters.com

Please visit the DSDU website HERE today, squiz my blog and share with me your best and worst life experiences, as far as Muses and Skeptics, Angels and Ghosts. Forging a writing career comes one step at a time but ends up being a lot of steps. If you’ve been going barefoot, it’s time to avoid the blisters and put those running shoes on – and run with the people that will help pace you towards the finish line.

Hugs, Cher x



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