Fave fantasy eBook reduced to $2.99

Exciting news! The Blood She Betrayed eBook is now half-price, only $2.99, on Amazon, Kobo and Clan Destine Press – and only $4.74 on Lulu.

Bestseller listMy Publisher Clan Destine Press has reduced its price – for a short time only – to celebrate The Blood She Betrayed’s shortlisting in the Australian Romance Readers Awards (Favourite Sci Fi, Fantasy or Futuristic Romance category). For a full listing of all shortlisted entries, visit the ARRA website here. I felt both humbled and awed to hear that I had been shortliste2013 ARRA finalistd in the top 10 spec fic books in Australia – the other entrants in all these categories are incredibly talented authors who crafted amazing tales. It’s taken me a while to recover from the shock! Congratulations to all entrants and a huge thanks to the Australian Romance Readers Association and their dedicated team who work so hard every year to organise and host the awards – as well as the many other features of ARRA membership.

So… if you haven’t downloaded your copy of The Blood She Betrayed, now is the time to do so because the $2.99 download is only available for a limited time. Find out what everyone else has been talking about – and why. I’m looking forward to hearing from you once you’ve read my book. Don’t be the last one to read it!

Celebrate the Small Things… and the Big Things!

A sold-out first print run and discovering that The Blood She Betrayed has been shortlisted in the top ten books in the Australian Romance Readers Awards (spec fic category) … What a terrific start to 2014!

Those who subscribe to my website know my blogs have been scrappy during the past few months while I was on my physical author tour. If you haven’t been following me on Facebook, I will post more photos from the  tour in the cSmall News Articles Photo 1oming weeks but I wanted to start 2014 with the Celebrate the Small Things blog hop, thanks to fellow fantasy author TF Walsh.

2013 was the year of my debut novel so almost every week was a celebration for me as I experienced many new “firsts” for my novel – first edits, first draft cover, first book launch, first radio interview, first fan mail. Many of these moments may have seemed small but, for me, they were BIG moments of delight.

Now, as I batten down the hatches for another chaos-filled literary year – my second as a published author – I am comforted by the many things I am grateful for:

  1. A fabulous clan of loving and supportive friends and family (including one slightly crumpled husband and one slightly jealous cat) who have always celebrated my achievements with me, but also been there to lend me a shoulder to cry on during the tough times
  2. An imagination that helps colour my days and create vivid plots and characters – I’m working on The Ghost She Killed (Heart Hunters Book II) this week
  3. A debut novel that has gained fabulous reviews, sold out on its first print run (the warehouse is empty) and attracted a surprise shortlisting in a national reading award – and was also nominated for the Aurealis
  4. Peers and mentors whom I greatly respect who generously give of their time so that I may grow. Thank you. Always.
  5. The magic of seeing youngsters and newbies toss off their training wheels and set sail on their own glorious adventures of a lifetime.
  6. An amazing world of beauty, entertainment and creativity that I can enjoy when I am tired or sad – or just to celebrate living
  7. A room to call my own – my combined bedroom/office – where I can write wonderful stories at my desk without the disruptions of living out of suitcases and laptop bags, as was the status during my author tour. I am back home and I am happy. #Bliss

What are you Celebrate the small thingscelebrating this week?

This post is part of VikLit‘s blog hop, Celebrate the Small Things. To be part of this blog hop, all you have to do is follow the link and put your name on the Mr.Linky list, and then be sure to post every Friday about something you’re grateful  for that week.  It can be about writing or family or school or general life.

To read fellow author TF Walsh’s Celebrate the Small Things blog, go here. While you’re at it, check out her mesmerising debut novel, Cloaked in Fur.

Blood She Betrayed reviews burn Bright

My author tour and catching up and staying with friends in areas of unreliable internet access has resulted in a long delay in posting recent blogs… BUT I just had to share with you my latest reviews. As many of you know, I am a huge fan of Marianne de Pierres’ Night Creatures trilogy. If you haven’t read Burnt Bright (book one in this evocative series), then click over to Amazon or sprint to your nearest bookstore/library for a copy!

So it filled me with delight this morning to read an awesome review of my book from the gorgeous Belinda, whom I met at SupaNova in Brisbane last month. Bel is a delightful lady and has read my book and written her review HERE. Thanks, Bel, for your lovely review.

As an extra bonus, Escape Club staffer Bec Stafford has interviewed me, “the newly minted author”, and you can read our Q&A HERE.

Finally, for a tasty bite of The Blood She Betrayed, do visit Damyanti’s Amlokiblogs for an extract of Chapter 2 of The Blood She Betrayed. Of course I want to meet a warrior princess, especially if it’s Shahkara!